Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sabertooth X58 DSDT - Added HDEF! (and maybe Firewire fixes?)


I've uploaded the new DSDT for the i7 950 people with this board at

I've added in the HDEF fix from Keren A in the comments from my post linked in the source, and the firewire fix (in an attempt to fix it, not sure if it works because I don't have any firewire devices to test with.)  If you can test the firewire, and it works, please post in the comments!  Have fun modding :)


  1. Hi Ken

    I tried it out and, alas, it's still the same. I have to put the computer to sleep before I get the firewire drive to show up.

    I noticed I'm getting a lot of power related error messages during verbose bootup. Also, DSDTSE did have 7 warnings when I compiled your DSDT. Tinkering with the low level DSDT stuff is way beyond my level, but I think that's going to be the only way to get full support for this board.

    I'm going to try other power settings in the BIOS
    and see if that makes a difference.


  2. Just had a thought:

    Are you running NullCPUPowermanagement.kext in your /Extra folder? I am, and if I try not too, I get a KP. If you're not using it, how are you getting your system to boot without it?

  3. @Keren

    You're right, I'm not running NullCPUPowerManagement for the Sabertooth computer. I'm not sure why you're getting a KP without it though. I'm using a 3,1 smbios.plist, is that what you're using too? Or maybe it's some bios settings that I may have changed, I'm not sure, I've never had to use it on this computer.

  4. Hi Ken

    What .kexts are you running in your /etc folder? Trying to work out why I can't drop NullCpu. I'm using a MacPro 4,1 smbios list. Maybe that could be the prob. Where did you get your smbios from? Could you post a link.


  5. @Keren

    You can install the macpro3,1 smbios from multibeast.

  6. K, I'll try that.

    But what kexts are you using?


  7. @Keren

    In Extra/Extensions, all I have is fakesmc, then JMicronESata kext (also found on tonymac) and the BlockStorage injector kext for aesthetics. I can't check right now since I'm working on a few projects in Visual Studio, but iirc this should be correct. I'll post another comment when I get a chance to reboot my computer.

  8. I've uploaded a copy of my extra folder and a list of what I have in my /S/L/E via "ls -al" at

    Hopefully that helps

  9. Thanks Ken! I'll take a look when I get a chance.

  10. Hi. Thanks for the DSDT. Audio+Firewire works, but now i'm getting a kernel panic (i think) from when i plug in my wireless n adapter. it didn't happen before installing the DSDT.

  11. Hi Ken

    Sorry for late response.

    I've figured out why I was getting KP's with NullCPUPowerManagement - SuperIoFamily was the culprit. Since deleting it I'm 100% fine.

    Still got the Firewire issues - only way to get them to work is go into sleep mode and then go out again which "wakes" them up. This may be an HPET issue as described here:

    I've tried the above with no luck. I'll let you know if I get anywhere.



  12. Interesting convo you guys have going on...

    I have the same mobo/processor and I am having the same issue as Keren. I've had success with the easybeast install for USB3, but not for firewire. Additionally, I have not found a working sleepenabler. Keep up the good work though, it's definitely coming along!


  13. Eli

    If you're using the DSDT posted by Ken , you shouldn't need to use sleepenabler.kext - just make sure you're not using SuperIoFamily. Use Ken's posted Extra folder of Kexts. My sleep works 100%.

    Only issue I get occasionally is shutdown issues after waking up from sleep and using my firewire drives - shutdown doesn't turn off the computer. There's definitely something going on with firewire power management. Could also be that the VIA firewire chipset on these boards don't play nice - I've read a lot about them on Insanely Mac and others have had problems. I'm going to try my Oxford based firewire PCI card and see what happens...will post results.

    PS to Ken: We should think about posting a guide on Insanely Mac or TonyMac as there are a lot of people asking questions about this board and our work here could be useful.

  14. Hi...
    Thanks you for your work...

    I need only one think.
    Form what bios rom the dsdt.aml is extracted?
    1006 or 0902 or 0802 or 0602?

    Thank you

    PS a god job can be rewrite a post with all the fix in this dsdt.aml
    and what's the other kext needed to complete the work.

  15. Feel free to use my files on insanelymac or tonymac to post a guide!

    In regards to the bios, I am using whichever came stock with the motherboard. I will check after I get home today.

    As for all the fixes in the dsdt, I've referenced them all to the specific places I got them from, they're pretty much copy/paste stuff, but I'll do a diff with the original too if I can find some time...

  16. hey how is it going i just want to say i have a similar build and could use some help haha

    I7 960
    saber x58
    24gb cosair vengeance

    What bois r u on
    what version osx do u install with
    what bios changes have been made
    and what version of multi beast and bootloader r u using thanks for all the help

  17. @Danielle @Flo - My BIOS version is 0603.

    Version I installed with is 10.6.3...
    BIOS changes... setting the sata ports to ahci is all i remember doing...
    multibeast and bootloader... the newest one from tonymacx86 works

  18. having the I7 960 would i be able to use this dsdt?
