Monday, October 25, 2010

First Post... and Cross-Post...

Decided to keep all my information on Google's blogger now, might be easier for me to find it all when I need it.

My AOD150 has been bugging me about this graphic update and a bunch of other security updates, so I finally did those. Same deal as before, had to edit the binary replacing 8680a227 with 8680ae27 and the info.plist.

Taking the information from my insanelymac blog...

AOD150 Install Notes:
1. Connect AOD150's hard drive to a Leopard PC (Not Snow Leopard!) via USB or SATA
2. Use Disk Utility and partiiton the disk to a GPT disk.
3. Insert Snow Leopard Disk
4. Navigate to /Volumes/Mac OS X Install DVD/System/Installation/Packages
5. Double click on OSInstall.mpkg
6. Choose the AOD150's hard drive as the install location
7. Customize. Do not install any printer support. Not installing languages also makes the install faster.
8. Install Chameleon 2 RC3 onto the AOD150's hard drive.
9. Remove everything from the /Extra/Extensions from the AOD hard drive.
10. Install FakeSMC, NullCPUPowerManagement, OpenHaltRestart, SMBIOSResolver, VoodooPS2
11. Use a hex editor and replace all instances of 86 80 A2 27 with 86 80 AE 27 in AppleIntelIntegratedFrameBuffer.kext/AppleIntelIntegratedFrameBuffer and AppleIntelGMA950.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleIntelGMA950
12. Edit the Info.plist of the two previous kexts to match the primary pci (0x8086A227 to 0x8086AE27)
13. Put HDAEnabler (From here) into both /System/Library/Extensions and /Extra/Extensions
14. Get Memfys' AOD150 kext for 10.5.8, show the package contents, then get to the plugins, then you'll need to use the Info.plist of the AppleHDAHardwareConfigDriver.kext and AppleHDAPlatformDriver.kext. Edit the same files within the vanilla AppleHDA.kext to match.
15. Do a kextcache on the /Extra folder (kextcache -a i386 -m ./Extensions.mkext ./Extensions) (chmod 644 ./Extensions.mkext) (chown root:wheel ./Extensions.mkext)
16. Put the hard drive back into the AOD150, boot it up with arch=i386 and cpus=1 and -v. If it works, go on to install the Attansic L1e driver for ethernet.

2010/08/14 - Edit - After 10.6.3 and 10.6.4, seems that copying the AppleHDA info.plist with HDAEnbabler isn't working very well anymore. However, VoodooHDA from here seems to work very well for the AOD150, they even have digital microphone enabled and working for my T4220.

On another note, I removed OSX from the T4220, and installed Ubuntu instead. Pulseaudio and digital mics really don't mix... and can't get it to work with the ALSA drivers either... needs more work.

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